Our Vision
To provide health care that is empowering, comprehensive and focused on the whole person.
We seek to promote balance and optimal health by identifying the root cause of disease and using Integrative and conventional methods to assist the innate healing capability of the body.
Our Logo
The Hawthorn tree—comprised of several hundred species— grows throughout Vermont and New England, and flourishes around the world. Hawthorn has been a source of herbal medicine in both Eastern and Western healing traditions. Shan Zha (Chinese herbal name for Hawthorn berry) is a popular botanical used by many Chinese medicine practitioners including Dr. Borja, who has an affinity for this herb. Hawthorn berry is most commonly used to improve heart and digestive health. In Britain and Ireland, Hawthorn has been considered a sacred tree and in Celtic/Druid lore is associated with love and protection. Hawthorn trees also play an essential role in their local ecosystems. Their vibrant flowers produce nectar for insects, while their berries provide food for birds and small animals. The thorny branches offer protection for nesting birds.
The enso is a sacred symbol in Zen Buddhism. In Japanese calligraphy, it is painted with a single stroke, in a single breath, and can be open or closed. This circular form is a universal sign symbolizing life, unity and wholeness.
From the open, concentric yet imperfect enso grows the organic, healthy and life-giving Hawthorn. Two sacred images symbolizing the interconnectedness of living beings to nature and our environment while trying to capture the Yin Yang duality of existence. At the design's foundation are the concentric circles - order at the root of chaos. This encompasses much of what the healing process is about and our vision at Integrative Osteopathic Family Medicine of Vermont.
The Integrative Osteopathic Family Medicine of Vermont logo was designed by Portland-based graphic artist, Bobby Finch, who encapsulated our vision for the practice with this beautiful image.
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